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For this project I chose a cherry, as shown in the last box, becuase after looking at images online I liked this one the best. I named my imaginary company Shirley Temple, because I enjoy drinking them and they are red like cherries. I thouroughly enjoyed this project, as seen by my extra cards. I utilized a variety of different effects, including texture, gradient backgrounds, and different colors.


My favorite cards are either the first one, with the gradient background, or the third one, with the reptalian scale background. I liked these two becasue I feel as if they portray the extenet of my skills.

For this project I chose to draw my logo out of music related elements because I am an avid music player. 


Overall this was my favorite project. I liked this project because I got to experience some of the steps graphic artists take to create a logo. Although I enjoyed drawing the design, I found I enjoyed placing it in Illustator the best because I was able to make the design crisp and add color. 


My goals for this project were to create a logo that accurately portrayed me, as a person. I beileve I was able to achieve my goal and am happy with how the design came out. 

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